The Importance of Water to Human Health - Akvo
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The Importance of Water to Human Health

In my teenage years, I remember reading an interview with Australian model, Elle Macpherson, in a renowned women’s magazine. She had earned the epithet of ‘The Body’, thanks to her superb structure. In the interview she was asked what she did to maintain herself. She very simply said, “I do 100 squats and drink at least 3 litres of water every day.” That stuck with me for a long time. True, I wasn’t able to do the former but I follow the latter religiously, even to this day. Has it given me a body like Elle ‘The Body’ Mcpherson? No. But it has kept me healthy and free of major illnesses. I was well into my 20s before I learnt about water therapy.

Water – what is so special about it that the human body can’t do without it? Let us find out. About 60% of the human body is comprised of water. Not many of us know this but a mere 2% drop in water content can trigger severe malfunctioning of the human body like short term memory loss and concentration. To retain a healthy body in a temperate climate an adult body must consume about 1.5 litres of water daily.

Medium of transportation and absorption:

Water is the main constituent of blood which functions as the carrier of nutrients in our body to every cell. In the process water helps the organs to absorb the required nutrients. It also aids in the circulation of oxygen in our blood.

Aids in digestion and metabolism:

Water enables hydrolysis reaction thus biochemically breaking down whatever we eat. The process begins in the mouth with the help of saliva which is essentially water alongside electrolytes, mucus and enzymes.The process also helps in identifying the waste in our body and filtering them through perspiration, urination and fecal excretion or defecation. This helps our body retain a healthy bowel movement.

Protecting, cushioning and lubricating:

The presence of water in our body provides a cushioning protection for our tissues and joints and even major organ from shocks. It also works as a lubricant for our joints thus preventing conditions like arthritis and maximising physical performances.

Temperature regulation:

Due to its extensive heat capacity, water helps in limiting the changes in our body temperature in comparison to the ambient temperature. The human body perspires when the ambient temperature is higher thus aiding in the cooling process of the body.

Lack of water in our body causes dehydration which can have minor to severe adverse effects like:

  • Headaches
  • Fatigue
  • Mood swings and slow responses
  • Dizziness
  • Dry skin
  • Constipation
  • Urinary tract infection
  • Kidney stones
  • Muscle weakness
  • Memory loss and concentration

Expert opinion is still divided on whether or not water therapy has any scientific basis. There is not much documented evidence for or against it. However, no one can deny the importance of water to the human physiology. It helps in preventing diseases, regulates bowels and keeps body weight in check. It is safe to say, that water is as important to human life as is air.
