Business Economics - Akvo
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Business Economics

Navkaran Singh Bagga is the founder of AKVO, a company which provides safe and pure drinking water using the Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) technology. Bagga spoke to BE’s Kuntala Sarkar.

Q. Can you explain the AWG technology?

A. The most abundant source of freshwater is the Earth’s atmosphere. AKVO uses the Atmospheric Water Generator (AWG) technology which replicates the natural process of condensation by simulating the dew point, thus allowing it to make water continuously using a plug and play method. AKVO AWG machines can generate water – entirely depending on the level of humidity and atmospheric temperature – and is well suited to Indian conditions.

Q. How did you come up with the idea?

A. The thought of generating safe drinking water had always intrigued me. I always thought that there must be a way through which water can be sourced in an innovative way. The AWG technology discovers new ways to produce safe drinking water from the earth’s atmosphere. This technology can provide water to homes, businesses, industries, and in emergency situations as a disaster relief solution.

Q. Have you expanded to offshore markets?

A. We have reached out to Gulf and West Asian countries and have collaborated with them to reduce or mitigate their prevalent water crisis. We have presented one of the most cost-efficient solutions in Abu Dhabi at the International Water Summit of 2018 and 2019. We have also set up two machines in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and four machines in Lakshadweep islands in India.

Q. Are you operating on a pan-India basis?

A. Yes, we are currently having pan-Indian operations. We aim to combat water issues experienced nationally and worldwide by providing environmentally conscious water options. We have installed six AKVO AWG machines at Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) factory in Haldia, West Bengal to provide drinking water. We have also set up a 1000 litre machine in Hardua, Damoh in Madhya Pradesh. Our company has sold maximum machines in Chennai.

Q. How are your customers are responding to this technology?

A. The response from the market has been very encouraging with both government agencies and private institutions showing interest to obtain our products. We have sold over 40 machines in India,  Gulf states and West Asia.

Q. How much electricity is being consumed?

A. The machine that can produce 100 litres of drinking water per day (LPD), consumes 1.3 kilowatt hour (kWh) of electricity. For 300 LPD, it consumes 3.3 kWh of electricity and for 1000 LPD, it consumes 9 kW h of electricity. The Atmospheric Water Generator capable of producing 100 LPD can produce four litres of drinking water per hour. The 300 LPD machine generates 12.5 litres water per hour and the 1000 LPD machine generates 42 litres water per hour.

Q. What are your expansion plans?

A. Our aim is to think, innovate, and invest in newer and cost-efficient technologies while using the earth’s natural resources. This technology must find its way towards common usage platforms where it can be used effectively – such as in hospitals, railways, and municipalities. This technology needs to reach the rural populace and find large scale use in India.