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Ph: 91 89295 07444 (Global)

Limitless water.
From unlimited air.

Akvo gives you freedom
Akvo atmospheric water generators - Air to water machines.

There are a few things that we should take for granted. Just a few. Clean air. Wholesome food. And clean water. We shouldn’t have to be at the mercy of large corporations with deep pockets overcharging us for something that’s our basic right. We shouldn’t have to keep buying water containers, keep changing filters, keep calling our local shops for a refill every time we’re thirsty. We’re not here to give you fresh, clean, drinking water using air to water technology. We’re here to change a system. We’re here to stop something now, so the next world war isn’t fought for man’s most basic need. We’re here to de-commodify the world’s biggest commodity. Pick up a glass and join us.

Home Solutions

If you're an owner or a tenant, and you're tired of spending a fortune on water jars, this is for you.

Enterprise Solutions

If you own an office, or a factory and the cost of drinking water is eating into your profits, this is for you.

Fresh drinking water.

Whenever, wherever.

AKVO, gives you complete water independence without having to be bound to pipe lines and dubious water sources. With a lifetime supply of limitless water, you truly own your water.

Un-tether yourself from water lines
Un-tether yourself from water lines

Akvo AWGs gives you pure drinking water and lets you bypass water lines from the municipal water supplies completely, cleaning your air in the process.

No water wastage
No water wastage

The Akvo Pod doesn’t deplete existing water resources and unlike RO and desalination systems that waste 70% of the water as reject water, there is no water wastage.

Works off the grid
Works off the grid

The Akvo Pod has the capability of working on off-grid power. Please contact us to find out more.

Break free from water dependence.

De-commodify the world’s biggest commodity.

Bring home an Akvo Pod that makes water using proprietary ground breaking air-to-water technology, creating unlimited, clean drinking water from the moisture in the air.

As Seen On

Akvo Water from air media


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